Market-Moving Events for this Week and Why the Economic Calendar is a Great Investment Tool

Economic calendar 06-17-2024 through 06-21-2024 by

Biggest Market-Moving Events for the U.S. Markets Week: Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 – Friday, June 21st, 2024

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

08:30 AM: Core Retail Sales (MoM) (May) – 0.2%
08:30 AM: Retail Control (MoM) (May)
08:30 AM: Retail Sales (MoM) (May) – 0.3%
08:30 AM: Retail Sales (YoY) (May)
08:30 AM: Retail Sales Ex Gas/Autos (MoM) (May)
08:55 AM: Redbook (YoY)
09:15 AM: Capacity Utilization Rate (May) – 78.6%
09:15 AM: Industrial Production (YoY) (May)
09:15 AM: Industrial Production (MoM) (May) – 0.3%
09:15 AM: Manufacturing Production (MoM) (May) – 0.3%
10:00 AM: Business Inventories (MoM) (Apr) – 0.3%
10:00 AM: FOMC Member Barkin Speaks
10:00 AM: Retail Inventories Ex Auto (Apr) – 0.3%
11:40 AM: Fed Collins Speaks
13:00 PM: 20-Year Bond Auction
13:00 PM: Atlanta Fed GDPNow (Q2) – 3.1%
13:00 PM: Fed Logan Speaks
13:00 PM: FOMC Member Kugler Speaks
14:00 PM: Fed Goolsbee Speaks
16:00 PM: US Foreign Buying, T-bonds (Apr)
16:00 PM: Overall Net Capital Flow (Apr)
16:00 PM: TIC Net Long-Term Transactions (Apr)
16:00 PM: TIC Net Long-Term Transactions including Swaps (Apr)
16:30 PM: API Weekly Crude Oil Stock

Wednesday, June 19th, 2024
All Day: Holiday – United States – Juneteenth

Thursday, June 20th, 2024

08:30 AM: Building Permits (May) – 1.450M
08:30 AM: Building Permits (MoM) (May)
08:30 AM: Continuing Jobless Claims – 1,820K
08:30 AM: Current Account (Q1) – -207.0B
08:30 AM: Housing Starts (MoM) (May)
08:30 AM: Housing Starts (May) – 1.370M
08:30 AM: Initial Jobless Claims – 235K
08:30 AM: Jobless Claims 4-Week Avg.
08:30 AM: Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index (Jun) – 4.8
08:30 AM: Philly Fed Business Conditions (Jun)
08:30 AM: Philly Fed CAPEX Index (Jun)
08:30 AM: Philly Fed Employment (Jun)
08:30 AM: Philly Fed New Orders (Jun)
08:30 AM: Philly Fed Prices Paid (Jun)
10:00 AM: NAHB Housing Market Index (Jun) – 45
11:00 AM: Crude Oil Inventories
11:00 AM: EIA Refinery Crude Runs (WoW)
11:00 AM: Crude Oil Imports
11:00 AM: Cushing Crude Oil Inventories
11:00 AM: Distillate Fuel Production
11:00 AM: EIA Weekly Distillates Stocks
11:00 AM: Gasoline Production
11:00 AM: Heating Oil Stockpiles
11:00 AM: EIA Weekly Refinery Utilization Rates (WoW)
11:00 AM: Gasoline Inventories
11:30 AM: 4-Week Bill Auction
11:30 AM: 8-Week Bill Auction
13:00 PM: 5-Year TIPS Auction
16:00 PM: FOMC Member Barkin Speaks
16:30 PM: Fed’s Balance Sheet
16:30 PM: Reserve Balances with Federal Reserve Banks

Friday, June 21st, 2024

09:45 AM: S&P Global US Manufacturing PMI (Jun) – 51.0
09:45 AM: S&P Global Composite PMI (Jun)
09:45 AM: S&P Global Services PMI (Jun) – 53.4
10:00 AM: Existing Home Sales (May) – 4.08M
10:00 AM: Existing Home Sales (MoM) (May)
10:00 AM: US Leading Index (MoM) (May) – -0.4%
10:30 AM: Natural Gas Storage
13:00 PM: U.S. Baker Hughes Oil Rig Count
13:00 PM: U.S. Baker Hughes Total Rig Count


Importance of the Economic Calendar for Investors
The economic calendar is a vital tool for investors as it provides a schedule of upcoming economic events, data releases, and key announcements that can significantly impact financial markets. Here’s why the economic calendar is so crucial:

1. Market Sentiment and Trends
Influence on Market Sentiment: Economic indicators and events, such as interest rate decisions, GDP data, and employment reports, can influence investor sentiment. Positive data can boost confidence and drive markets upward, while negative data can lead to sell-offs and market declines.

Identifying Trends: Regularly monitoring economic data helps investors identify trends in economic growth, inflation, and other critical factors. Recognizing these trends allows investors to make informed decisions about market entry and exit points.

2. Risk Management
Anticipating Volatility: Knowing the dates and times of significant economic events helps investors anticipate potential market volatility. By preparing for these events, investors can adjust their portfolios to mitigate risk, such as reducing exposure to certain assets or increasing hedges.

Strategic Planning: Investors can develop strategies to capitalize on expected market movements based on economic data. For instance, strong employment data might prompt investors to increase holdings in consumer goods, anticipating higher spending.

3. Investment Decisions
Data-Driven Decisions: Economic calendars provide essential data that investors use to make informed decisions about buying, selling, or holding assets. Key indicators such as retail sales, industrial production, and consumer confidence directly affect company performance and stock prices.

Sector-Specific Insights: Different economic indicators affect various sectors uniquely. For example, housing starts data impacts real estate and construction stocks, while manufacturing indices influence industrial sector investments. Understanding these nuances helps investors allocate their assets more effectively.

4. Timing the Market
Optimal Timing: Knowing when important economic data will be released allows investors to time their trades better. For example, they might choose to enter or exit positions before an expected announcement to avoid adverse movements or to capitalize on anticipated positive news.

Event-Driven Trading: Some investors engage in event-driven strategies, where they make trades based on expected outcomes of economic events. The economic calendar is crucial for planning these strategies, ensuring they are well-timed and effective.

5. Macroeconomic Analysis
Holistic Economic View: The economic calendar helps investors maintain a comprehensive view of the macroeconomic environment. By understanding the broader economic context, investors can better predict market movements and align their strategies with the overall economic direction.

Policy Implications: Announcements such as Federal Reserve interest rate decisions and government fiscal policies directly impact financial markets. Keeping track of these events enables investors to anticipate changes in monetary and fiscal policies that could affect their investments.

6. Global Perspective
International Impact: Economic events from major global economies like the U.S., China, and the Eurozone can have far-reaching effects on global markets. Investors with international portfolios must monitor these events to understand how global economic conditions might impact their investments.

The economic calendar is indispensable for investors as it provides a roadmap of the economic landscape. By staying informed about upcoming economic events, investors can better manage risk, make data-driven decisions, time their trades effectively, and maintain a comprehensive understanding of both the domestic and global economy. This foresight and preparedness enable investors to navigate financial markets more strategically and successfully.

by Steve Macalbry

Senior Editor,


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