Economic Calendar This Coming Week: FOMC Interest Rate Decision and More

As the financial world gears up for this week’s onslaught of U.S. economic data releases, it’s worth diving deep into the implications of these numbers. Each report carries potential insights into the health of the American economy and provides clues to future policy decisions. The big market mover is the FOMC interest rate decision on Wednesday.

Kicking off the week on Monday, July 24, the S&P “flash” U.S. manufacturing and services PMIs are on the docket. These Purchasing Managers Indexes (PMIs) are leading indicators of economic health. With manufacturing previously reported at 46.3, a figure below 50 represents contraction. Hence, any number above the previous data may signal a recovery. Meanwhile, the services PMI at 54.4 suggests growth in the sector. Any change here could hint at the pace of expansion.

On Tuesday, we’re looking at the S&P Case-Shiller home price index and the Consumer Confidence Index. The former, representing a 1.7% drop in May, provides insights into the housing market’s resilience amidst pandemic-induced pressures. Stabilization or even a rise could instill confidence in the housing market’s ability to weather economic storms. Meanwhile, an increase in consumer confidence (112.0 in July from 109.7 in the previous period) would reflect positively on consumer spending trends, critical for economic growth.

The spotlight will be on new home sales and the Federal Reserve’s policy decision on Wednesday. With new home sales expected to dip in June (717,000 from 763,000), any significant decline could signal cooling in the housing market. The Fed’s interest-rate policy decision and subsequent press conference with Chairman Powell could offer insight into the future economic direction, considering the current inflationary pressures and employment trends.

Thursday hosts a flurry of economic reports starting with initial jobless claims, previously at 236,000. An increase might suggest growing labor market instability, whereas a drop would indicate improving employment conditions. The Durable Goods Orders, which gauges demand for long-lasting manufactured goods, saw a rise of 1.2% in June. A higher growth rate would signal a stronger manufacturing sector. The advance Q2 GDP report will be keenly watched. A number below the Q1’s 2.0% could raise concerns about the economy’s recovery pace. The day also presents the Advanced U.S. Trade Balance in Goods and reports on retail and wholesale inventories, crucial for understanding the trade and inventory dynamics amidst the ongoing supply chain issues.

On Friday, personal income and spending, the PCE indexes, and the Employment Cost Index will dominate the scene. Increased personal income and spending (both up 0.5% last month) would suggest robust consumer activity. The PCE indexes, closely watched for inflationary trends, previously reported year-over-year growth of 3.8% (PCE) and 4.2% (Core PCE). Any acceleration could stoke inflation fears, whereas a slowdown might alleviate them. The Employment Cost Index’s movement will shed light on labor market conditions.

In conclusion, this week is a data-heavy one, with numerous vital indicators set for release. Each report will provide pieces to the puzzle of understanding the current state of the U.S. economy, and market participants will carefully weigh these insights to inform their strategies and anticipate possible policy shifts.


Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be considered financial or investment advice. Always consult with a certified financial professional before making any significant financial decisions.

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